Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Soul mate spark: How you get and keep it

When people talk about finding and keeping the partner that they truly want to spend their lives with, the discussion invariably gets around to the topic of "soul mates."
We talk about the soul mate spark because that's what we think people are really looking for--that special feeling of connection, like you've "come home," like you never want to part.
While many people do find this in a partner, including us, there are some pitfalls around the whole soul mate mystique.
One of those pitfalls is the belief that soul mates don't have conflicts and no major issues to work through. They have pure bliss all of the time.
We wish this were true but it just isn't for most of us.
This belief is why some people get so upset and disenchanted when they find that perfect someone who they think is a soul mate and it turns sour after a few months or even weeks.
It turns out that there are things about their soul mate that drive them crazy. There are conflicts and the specialness just seems to have disappeared.
Our take on soul mates is a little different from the mystique and it may help you make more sense out of the whole soul mate and relationship thing.
We believe that there are many soul mates out there for different times in our lives and they come into our lives not only to bring us greater joy but to help us with our personal and spiritual growth.
A soul mate agrees to walk with you for awhile to learn and also teach. A soul mate relationship is a spiritual bond and the challenges that come up are the soul lessons that you have agreed to learn together.
We also believe that just as your various soulmates can enter your life "for a time, a reason or a season"-- we also believe that soul mates can part when there's no more growth and learning.
Before you think we've gone a little to far "out there" or "woo-woo" with this one. consider this...
Regardless of the kind of relationship you're talking about, if the relationship is truly close and connected-- there's a certain spiritual quality to them. Soul mate kind of relationships are no different.
It's been our experience that when two people come together and it feels like a soul mate kind of experience, it can feel like destiny or some sort of divine intervention has been gifted to you or interceded on your behalf.
So what's the soul mate spark?
It's that spark of desire to draw closer and connect with a love and passion that keeps growing throughout the years.
Is it possible?
We know it is because we and others have it--and we also believe that you can create it.
Here are a few ways...
1. Make a soul mate commitment.
Commit the time and the energy to growing your passion and love for each other. Even 10 minutes a day of true
connection can help rejuvenate a relationship that was once close and now seems disconnected.
2. Kindness matters
We have often seen partners in committed relationships treat each other with less respect than they do strangers.
Take a fresh look at how you treat those closest to you and treat them as the special soul partners that they truly are--with kindness and respect.
3. Be curious about yourself and your mate.
When you find yourself being triggered by your partner or the people closest to you, take a moment and get curious
instead of reacting. It's easier said than done, we know, but just try it.
Get curious enough to just listen to find out what's truly going on between you. Listen to what's underneath the
disturbance. What want, need or desire is trying to be expressed for both of you? Listen from your heart.
4. Make one small shift.
Ask yourself these questions--"What do I want?" "What do I care about right now?" "Do I want to be right or do I want connection?"
What actions or words will bring you closer to rather than further from what you want and what you care about?
One small shift, like simply pausing before you email someone in anger, can make a big impact on your relationship and can make the difference between keeping your spark alive and letting it die over time.
We all choose our partners for different reasons and some we consider our soul mate and some not.
If you want to keep, grow or rekindle the spark between you, start doing a few things each day to nurture it.
If you aren't currently with any one you consider to be a soul mate, you might begin practicing as if he or she is with you in the form of the people who are in your life right now.

Jealousy: Is it your fault?

If jealousy or lack of trust is an issue in your relationship and life-- maybe it's not your fault...
Or is it?
Several people have asked us recently about the question of who's fault is jealousy?
They want to know...
Who's to blame?
How can you stop it before it's too late?
As we've been helping people deal with their jealousy, if there's one really big hot button, it's this...
A feeling that they are being blamed (and solely at fault) for their jealousy.
If you are feeling blamed and completely at fault for your jealousy, here's something to consider...
Jealousy may not be you fault.
You heard us correctly--
Jealousy may not be your fault and here's why...
Even though we talk a lot about taking responsibility for jealousy in your life and the importance of taking action to heal it, there are reasons that may be beyond your control that contribute to it.
Here are a few of those reasons jealousy may not be your fault...
1. It's "normal" to feel jealous when you perceive that your relationship is in danger.
In fact, researchers say that it can be abnormal not to feel jealous when a partner is blatantly exhibiting conduct that you think degrades you and violates agreements you've made.
Extreme jealousy and jealous behavior usually falls outside the "normal" category but the point is, we've all felt jealous at one time or another and in some situations.
Jealousy isn't a character defect and there's no "jealousy gene" that can't be changed with some help--even though some of us are more predisposed to experiencing it at more intense levels because of what has happened in the past.
Jealousy can be a very normal reaction to actions that appear to threaten your relationship.
2. Messages that everyone cheats are all around us.
We are all constantly bombarded with images in the media that suggest that everyone cheats.

The truth is that because this message is so pervasive in our culture, it can unconsciously be lurking somewhere in the back of your mind and you aren't even aware of it.
Just look at top-rated television programs and real-life dramas of stars.
Cheating is one of the top story lines that gets all of our attention and hooks us in--but all of these dramas may hook us in more ways than what we bargained for.
Whether we like it our not, doubt and mistrust can be planted in our minds and we don't even realize it until jealousy shows up in our own lives.
3. A partner's actions can certainly contribute to jealous feelings.
We're not only talking about blatant acts that would cause mistrust in anyone.
We're talking about a partner who is closed to sharing much about himself or herself.
Maybe the partner is guarded, secretive, defensive, angry or blaming.
Whatever is the case, you can feel pretty insecure in the relationship and jump quickly in your mind to jealousy over seemingly small things if your partner is acting in any of these ways.
Okay, so we've given you three ways jealousy may not be your fault.
If you can relate to any of these, does that mean the you do nothing about your jealousy?
Of course not--if you want a better life.
Jealousy may not be your fault but you do have a choice to make if you want to make some changes that will create more of what you want--or not.
If you do want to take some steps toward healing jealousy, here are a few ideas to help...
1. First of all, take "fault" out of your thinking when it comes to jealousy.
It's just not helpful to think that way because if you are jealous, you may not be feeling very good about your situation and if you "blame" yourself, you'll feel even worse.
That's not the direction we want you to take!
2. Adopt the attitude that "this is what is right now" and start finding ways to feel better.
Look honestly at your situation and start learning some new skills that you know can help you.
It might be learning new ways to communicate.If you need help, you might check out our "Stop Talking on Eggshells" program available here that teaches you how to say what you mean to say in a way that your partner can hear.
It might be learning a new skill to help you relax, like taking a yoga or meditation class.
It might be turning your focus to something that you are passionate about.
If you've been caught up in jealousy, these feelings can be all-consuming and you can feel like your interests and passions have fallen by the wayside.
Along with learning some new communication and trust-building skills--and practicing them, it can be very healthy to turn your attention to yourself and what you love or used to love to do.
If you want to discover some terrific new communication skills you might want to read this web page and if you'd like some additional help with trust building you might want to check this out Relationship Trust Turnaround.
While these ideas are certainly not all you can do to help yourself whip the jealousy issue in your relationship and life, these ideas can help you move closer to overcoming it so that it's not a major problem for you.

The Biggest Mistake When Arguing With Your Partner...

It's a fact.
Arguments happen in relationships....
There's nothing new about this.
The challenge is...
What do you do when you have a disagreement or difference of opinion with someone?
One thing you DON'T want to do is what we call "talk on eggshells".
"Talking on eggshells" is to keep silent and NOT say what's true or what's coming up for you out of fear of what your partner will say, what they'll think or how they'll react.
And most of us find that we do "talk on eggshells" after an argument.
What do you do to work through arguments when they happen AND keep or regain your connection--even when you have a difference of opinion?
This is such a great question and...
Believe it or not--what you do in the split second that you feel a disconnection with another person, especially your loved ones, will determine how long you stay disconnected and distant--and if you ever feel truly close again.
Take a second right now and think about a time when you felt triggered or disconnected from a loved one.
What did you do?
Rewind the tape of the incident in your mind and slow it down so you can really see it.
We're guessing that unless you're really highly evolved and very self-aware, your initial reaction was one of three responses in some form or the other...
Fight, flight or freeze
And you might have different reactions in different situations with different people but there's probably one of these that you can pin-point that happens inside you more often.
Do you see which reaction you have most of the time?
We want to tell you which reactions the two of us have fallen into most of the time and how we work through any problems, challenges or misunderstandings that come up because of these reactions...
Consider using our example we're about to share to help you change any negative patterns in your relationship that happen when challenges come up for you.

In the past, when we have had misunderstandings and disagreements, Otto's habitual pattern has been to come toward Susie with a lot of intensity.
His physical body and mind races--his voice gets louder and his energy intensifies.
He becomes overpowering and pushing toward her because that's his unconscious way of getting what he wants--re-connection.
But of course it doesn't work that way!
On the other hand, Susie's knee-jerk, habitual response is to leave--to walk out of the room, to leave the situation.
As with most people, our responses were formed long before our current relationship.
When we looked at our previous relationships, we had similar reactions when things got tough with our previous partners.
It's just that in our relationship, we decided together that we couldn't have the relationship we wanted and still act out from our habitual responses.
We decided we had to learn to "stay."
We had to learn how to identify what we each do that takes us away from connection when we're upset and find a way to listen to and understand each other to find a solution to the situation.
As time has gone on--and with practice--Otto's gotten better at noticing when he's pushing and his intensity is "over the top."
Susie has gotten better at feeling the urge to run when things get tough. She's learned to calm her body and her mind so she can listen and speak from her heart.
To help our situation, Otto's agreed to calm down his intense energy when Susie makes a downward motion with her hand--as in turning down the volume on a stereo--in an open, loving way.
And then we do everything we can to stay open to each other and talk until we understand each other's motivation and point of view so we can feel the connection we love again.
We use "Magic Relationship Words" like "What's most important to you about _____?" to help us stay open and moving toward understanding one another.
Here are some ideas for you to try if you want to get out of your habitual ways and reconnect quicker and more easily when you feel at odds with one another...
1. Recognize what you do that takes you further from what you want.
It takes courage to do this and then change it--especially if your partner isn't buying into any of this.
But you know what?
If you hang on to what you always do, nothing will change.
2. Breathe when you notice you've gone into that familiar place.
At first, you may not be so good at catching yourself because the habit is so ingrained in you.
But if you keep at it, you'll begin to realize when you get the urge to leave, fight or when you freeze.
3. Bring yourself into the present situation and commit to staying present to what's in front of you.
Of course if you are in a dangerous situation--if the other person is a real threat to you, either emotionally or
physically, don't stay but get help as soon as possible.
If possible, both of you commit to "staying" with the process of listening and understanding one another--when you're not in the situation.
If your partner doesn't agree, you can still commit to yourself to learn how to stay open to listening and speaking your truth.
This doesn't mean that you agree with the person. It may mean that you set some loving boundary for yourself.
But it does mean that you are more conscious and able to respond from a centered place than from your habitual responses.
4. If you or your partner need to calm down and you can't do it in that moment, agree to come back together at a later time to discuss this issue.
Sometimes it's just impossible to get anywhere when emotions are high.
Just be clear when you're going to come back together and don't be tempted to sweep the issue under the rug, hoping it will go away if you ignore it.
It probably won't but will only get bigger.
We invite you to learn how to stay in the moment so you can get new understandings of your partner and of yourself.
After all, that's where the growth and connections are.

Frustrated and wants connection

What can be more irritating than when your beloved doesn't listen to you and starts trying to "fix" you in the process? **Question from a reader...
"My fiance has been through personal development work and so understands the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and our feelings EXCEPT - the problem is is that he keeps telling me to take responsibility for my feelings instead of him taking responsibility for his actions. Basically, he took the responsibility advice as he can behave however he will behave and I need to control my feelings and take responsibility for them if they make me sad or upset. There is no connecting, no relating, no understanding - just a "mentor" telling me to change my feelings about what's happened."
**Our answer...
Yes, we're all for both people taking personal responsibility in a relationship--in fact, that's the only way it will work in a healthy way--BUT when there's no connection in the process, that can really be a problem.
Here are some ways to create more connection and be responsible...
1. Be sure that you are taking responsibility for your feelings.
By that, we mean that you are questioning the untrue stories in your head and soothing yourself if they are untrue.
But it sounds to us like you really want him to change his behavior--and he doesn't want to change.
If his actions are a violation of your values or beliefs, then you have another problem.
2. Take the emotion or feelings out of it--address the behavior
Get as calm as you are able to be and address his behavior that goes against what you value.
Let's say he's looking at (or more) other women more than you want or feel comfortable being in a relationship with someone who stares so openly.
It's no longer about feelings but rather about how you want to be treated as a partner--and how you want your relationship to be.
3.How do you want to be treated in this relationship and is this a deal breaker for you?
Be clear about how you want to be treated in this relationship--with yourself and with him. In this case, it sounds like there's something specific that happened that he doesn't want to talk about with you. If you are in control of your feelings and honestly want to try to work out an agreement, then ask for that kind of discussion.
If he's unwilling to face what happened and continues to not want to talk about it, you have to consider whether this is a deal breaker or not.
Get yourself and your feelings in check and open to finding a way to be together that works for both of you (instead of just venting which he obviously doesn't want to hear). See what the two of you want for your relationship and see if you can agree.

Can love and passion last?

So, is it really possible to keep love and passion alive over the long haul?
We have said many times before and continue to say a resounding--
It is possible to keep love, passion and connection alive for as long as you want...
...and here are some thoughts about how this is not only possible but how you can do it in your own relationship,
marriage and life as well.
In addition to our own relationship that just keeps getting better and better year after year, we're always excited when we actually see it in action in other couples.
Here's one example...
Otto met "Nick" (not his real name) at the Aikido dojo where they both train and Otto instantly liked him.
He liked Nick even more when he saw how he interacted with his wife of 22 years.
Otto saw Nick do many of the things Otto's been talking about in his special "for men" newsletter where he talks about how ANY man can light up his woman.
Here are a few examples of what we saw Nick doing to keep his love alive over the years...
**Nick called his wife to tell her he'd be a little late and closed out the phone call by telling her he loved her.
**Nick spent some time paying attention to his wife during a party we attended at their house--giving her a hug every now and then and stopping to connect with her.
**Nick talked about how talented and great he thought his wife was at landscaping their yard, giving her most of the credit.
Although we can't really know for sure, it looks like they are still very much in love, have a lot of desire for one
another and they seem be very happy together--even after 22 years.
When we asked his wife what their secret was for lasting passion and love for each other, here's what she told us...
They had learned how to communicate with each other, even though their communication styles were wildly different.
She went on to explain that she came from a family of "talkers" and when something was wrong, you "talked" it out until it was resolved.
In fact, she attributed her parent's marriage success and longevity to the idea that "they never went to bed mad at each other."
She told us that it was a shock to her that when she and Nick had disagreements, he didn't want to talk about them--or at least not as long as she did.
For him, "talking about a problem" meant the end of a relationship because he had seen that happen before his parent's divorce.
It wasn't until she realized that she had to pull back her urge to "talk him to death" and he in turn allowed himself to open to talking more--that they resolved their communication issues.
They both saw that their way wasn't the ONLY way to communicate--and they both had to stop the "stories" from their pasts that caused them to make assumptions about their present relationship.
They both had to make their relationship and understanding one another more important than "being right."
As they opened and softened to one another (our words)--as well as not make each other wrong--they were able to iron out difficulties quicker and keep their passion and connection strong.
If you have problems with communication, it can certainly ruin your relationship.
If you're one of those people who seems to have trouble saying what you think or how you feel because of fear about what your partner will think, what they'll say or how they'll react...
... then we suggest you download a copy of our "Stop Talking on Eggshells" program and find out how you speak your truth openly and honestly without fear and in a way that your partner will really listen to you.
In the meantime...
Here are a few ideas about how to keep your relationship passionate, alive and growing over the years...
1. Make small changes and look for what happens for the better.
Try one suggestion--make one small change in the way you interact with your partner-- and look for one small thing that is better.
It might be that you've gotten into a habit of putting your partner down--maybe in fun--but it's no longer funny to him or her, if it ever was.
One small change might be to stop when you feel the urge to make fun of your partner and instead don't say anything or give him or her a compliment.
Maybe your partner puts you down and it's meant as a joke but you don't think it's funny.
One small change might be to tell him or her how it feels to you.
You might use a phrase from our "Magic Relationship
program ...
"It may not have been your intention to hurt me but when you said _________, I felt embarrassed (or whatever you
2. Remember to focus on what's going right.
We know that in our relationship, when we focus on what's going right instead of what's wrong, we feel closer to one another and more connected.
Now of course there are certainly times when you need to focus on what's wrong--if there truly is something going
on that is against your values or your agreements with one another.
But don't let resentment build without dealing with it and getting some resolution.
Then when you have resolution, don't hang onto the hurt in the past. Bring yourself into the present and focus on
what's right in the present moment.
That's how passion, connection and trust are rebuilt and stay strong--one moment at a time and in the present moment.
The question is...
Are you living together or dying together?
Are you growing together or growing apart more of the time?
Are you moving forward together or backwards separately?
This week, we invite you to take a step toward greater love.

3 Jealousy Tips to Save Your Relationship

Every time that Joanne's husband Jack returns home from a business trip, they seem to get into an argument-- and that's a lot because he travels regularly for work.
Joanne can't seem to stop her jealous thoughts (even if it was unwarranted jealousy) about Jack having an affair with another woman who lives in a different city. She wants to trust Jack and believe him when he says that he is not cheating, but it's so hard when the stories in her mind seem so real.
And sometimes he is secretive about where he's been when she tries to call his cell phone late at night and he doesn't answer. Joanne really doesn't know what to believe anymore.
She can see that her relationships is tense and strained and she's never felt so far away from Jack as she does now.
Because of her jealousy, she has said and done things that she deeply regrets--but she doesn't know how to stop.
When your jealous thoughts take hold, it can be difficult to stop them. They seem so real-- and the fact of the matter is, you may not know what's real.
After all, your jealousy probably didn't materialize out of nothing. Perhaps there is something going on that your jealous fears are alerting you about.
But, then again, perhaps your jealous fears have more to do with your insecurity or past hurts than they do with your current partner and relationship.
We know it can be confusing and frustrating.
Before jealousy completely ruins your relationship, read what one woman who bought our "No More Jealousy" program said about how she's using the material to beat jealousy...
"I am slowly reading the book and have just started listening to the first tape. What I have been doing is highlighting the phrases, sentences and paragraphs that I want to go back and re-read over and over again.
"I keep a highlighter marker in my briefcase and use it often. I love the book and loved the last tape (that I skipped to) of inspirational phrases."

Here are 3 tips based on our "No More Jealousy" course...
#1) Get to the root of your jealousy.
When you are feeling less triggered, take some time to explore the possible roots of your jealousy.
We encourage you to set aside, for the moment, your judgment about whether or not your jealous thoughts
are true or false. For now, identify the feelings that come up most frequently for you when you are jealous.
*Is it fear that you will be abandoned?
*Is it a feeling of inadequacy about who you are and your worthiness of having a loving partner?
*Is it anger or resentment because you feel like you are being ignored or your needs are not being met?
Get to know these emotions. Ask yourself if the feelings and thoughts related to them remind you of any past experiences or previous relationships.
If you need help, we have great success helping our Breakthrough Relationship coaching clients become jealousy-free and we invite you to find out more about how we can help you with coaching.
Feel where in your body you get tight or anxious when your jealousy comes up.
This is all very valuable to know because if you are able to pinpoint the moment jealous thoughts come up, as well as when you feel the results in your body of those jealous thoughts--you will be better able to calm yourself down so you can go on with your day and take appropriate action when needed.
Otherwise, you are reacting from habit and as Joanne felt--in a very irrational, harmful way.
#2) Return to the present moment.
Now, bring your attention back to the present moment.
Get into the habit of determining if your feelings--and especially the thoughts that fuel the feelings--are based in what's going on right now or, if they instead link more directly to the past.
It's quite possible that what's going on between you and your current partner is similar to a dynamic that developed in a past relationship.
Begin to practice telling the difference between what is happening right now and what happened in the past. In the heat of a jealous moment, it can be a challenge to do this.
You can build your skills in this regard by returning to the present moment throughout your day-- about things that are unrelated to your relationship at first.
Joanne has started to consciously bring her attention back to the present moment several times a day.
When she is taking breaks from her work at the office, she'll recognize that her mind is beginning to wander and she is thinking about what she did last night or what she will do this weekend. After this recognizing, Joanne takes a deep breath and deliberately tunes in to her current surroundings.
She feels clear and centered after she does this. She plans to try this technique the next time that she begins to notice the first signs of jealousy.
#3) Follow through.
These first two tips are inner skills that you can practice and use when jealous emotions arise within you. They can be very powerful techniques that can help you calm down and become more certain about what you are seeing or hearing.
With the increased clarity, you can make decisions that will support you and possibly help you save your relationship.
For example, as Joanne is becoming more adept at returning to the present moment and sorting through her emotions and thoughts, she is realizing that she has many unanswered questions about Jack's behavior on these business trips.
Too often, Joanne notices that Jack will simply call her jealous when she asks him why he didn't answer his phone while away. He tends to avoid these questions even when she is curious, not accusatory. Joanne also realizes that she's had problems in the past saying what's true for her and making herself heard.
As you come upon information that just doesn't add up or you see behaviors and habits that you'd like to change, be sure to follow through.
Calmly make requests for more information so that you can better understand what your partner is telling you.
We realize that being calm in the midst of jealousy isn't easy but it's oh so important to learn how to do it! Create agreements with him or her in order to address habits that create distance in your relationship--and do it when the two of you are not in the middle of a battle.
If you aren't certain that you can trust the answers that you are receiving from your mate, find ways to get reliable information.
There are specific actions you can take to determine the truth about whether or not your partner is lying and cheating, for example.
Yes, we encourage you to own up to your jealous habit if you have one. Try the tips we suggested above so
that you can stop jealousy from clouding your vision of what's going on.
At the same time, we advise you to be wise-- get the information you need so that your questions can be reliably answered. These steps just might help you save your relationship.

He cheated, You took him back but you're anxious...

Have you ever lost trust in your partner (maybe because of cheating) and in the process, lost trust in yourself?
That's just what happened to one of our readers. Here's what she wrote to us...
"Well, my boyfriend of 4.5 years, cheated on me with somebody for the last 5 months. I'm sure it stopped completely...but every time I'm not with him, I feel extremely anxious and bad memories start bombarding me. II really love him, but even though he's with me now and didn't want to stay with her and leave me... (even though she threatened him with the "I'm pregnant" excuse)... it's been hard for me to get back my confidence. What do I do?"
It's true...
Finding out that your partner has been cheating on you (and for 5 months) absolutely rocks your world and shatters your self confidence in the process.
Even if he (or she) wants to come back to you (and you are willing), you can't stop thinking that your partner chose someone else and somewhere deep inside you, you wonder what's wrong with you that you weren't enough.
It's that doubt and lack of self confidence that can keep you from fully mending your relationship after infidelity.
And in saying this, it's certainly not excusing the person who cheated and blaming the one who was cheated on if the relationship eventually can not recover.
We're saying that if you want to regain trust that you need to do a few things to help you be successful.
If you have had something similar happen to you, here's what we recommend...
1. Find out for sure that the affair is over. If you don't know for sure, get our program about how to tell if your partner is lying and cheating.
2. Find out why the affair happened. This will take some practice and self-control on your part so that you don't become defensive. If your partner is willing to talk to you about why it happened (no details unless you're a masochist), try to listen from an objective place.
We know that that's very, very difficult but if you want to know how to make your relationship better, you need to know what he/she saw in the other person.
This is certainly not to excuse your partner's hurtful behavior and it's not to blame you. It's simply to get some information.
3. Get a plan and focus your attention on making your relationship what you both want. Chances are that even if you didn't cheat, your relationship could be better in certain ways. Find out what you're both willing to do to move closer to what you each want.
If you need a plan for rebuilding trust, be sure to check out our "Relationship Trust Turnaround" program.
4. When your self-talk gets down on you and shoves your self-confidence even further lower, back up, take a breath and find something to appreciate about yourself. If you can't think of anything, keep at it until you come up with something. Then go out and take a walk or distract yourself in some way.
Keep moving toward what you want and that means taking on your inner demons that try to destroy your self-confidence.
If you want your relationship to heal, take these very powerful steps.


We were out for walk when I turned her way
Your not gonna like it but I have to say
Her face went pale and she put up her guard
Knowing my news would hit her hard

I said I can’t love you, I’m sorry, I tried
It was her left eye that teared, but her heart that cried
She said I hate you and she turned and ran
She looked back and yelled, you’re not even a man
I chased after her, though she drifted from sight
I was so scared now, concerned that she might

I got to her house, my worst fear came true
As she stood holding the knife, she yelled screw you
It took this moment to help me see
That I truly loved her, and she truly loved me
Now my love is on the edge, and it wasn’t an act
I told her I loved her, that I took it all back
She said it’s a lie, you don’t love me
But this kitchen knife does and it can set me free
I started to beg, please honey, no
But she closed her eyes and in it did go
It was so much pain she couldn’t stand anymore
She dropped to her knees, then down to the floor
I ran to her body and crouched at her side
The pain I was feeling I couldn’t hide

It was all my fault, that my love took her life
It may as well have been me, holding the knife
I held her hand, and touched her face
I tried to stop the bleeding just above her waist
The last thing she said is forever in my mind
That I killed my true love and that’s hard to find

I told her I loved her and I started to cry
She turned her head away, and silently died

Teach me to let go. a poem.

Teach me to stop caring
When I think of what we were
Teach me to stop crying.
When I see you there with her
Show me how to live again
When you’re not here with me
Show me how to fight the fact.
That we’re not meant to be
Tell me that I’ll be alright
And my life will be okay.
Without you right here by my side
To hold my hand each day
Let these teardrops wash away
Don’t let this heartbreak last…
Let me let go like you did
For you’ve forgotten me so fast.

Sad quotes - quotes about death

"I once knew a man who said 'Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back'"  
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. 
If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying.Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got."
The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear.
Learn how to die and then you learn how to live.

Why am I fighting to live if i'm just living to die? Why am I tryin to see when there ain't nothing in sight? Why am I tryin to give when no one gives me a try? Why am I fighting to live if I'm just living to die?
Life Is Pointless If You Don't Have Anybody To Share It With....

It's not death that I am afraid of, it's time. I am afraid that my time will be up before I find my place on this Earth.
Letting go doesnt mean forgetting means remembering the memories and talking about them..without crying.  

The days will always be brighter because he existed. The nights will always be darker because he's gone. And no matter what anybody says about grief and about time healing all wounds, the truth is: there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken.  
Why Do People Kill People Who Kill People To Show People That Killing People Is Wrong.

There is no goal better than this one: to know as you lie on your deathbed that you lived your true life, and you did whatever made you happy.
Cowards die may times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard
It seems to me most strange that men should fear,
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
The Sun is Still Shining, The Sky Is Still Blue, But Life Here Just Isnt The Same Without You.  

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.  
If there ever comes a day when one of us has to leave..put me in you heart and Ill be with you forever.  

When someone is gone, they're gone forever, and all you have left is memories to try to recreate a person that used to live and breathe right in front of you.
I learned a very important lesson.
Never take your loved ones for granted because you never know when their hearts will stop beating, and you won't have a chance to say goodbye.
We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of what we leave behind us.
Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.
We shared so much laughter,shared so many tears.We had a special friendship that grew stronger each year.We were not siblings by birth but we knew from the start, We were put together,to be siblings of the heart...  

Did u ever wonder, if we're in the afterlife NOW??? whether its heaven or hell...
Because maybe we already died in the real world, and the life we live now is just a result of what happened in our past.
We must live our every second like it's our last, because we never know just when our last one is.

How To Resolve Conflicts In A Relationship.

Nurturing a relationship is vital if you want to stay together. Bitterness, irritation and constant stress between two people not only affects their personal mindset but also the people around.

Learn to resolve fights and arguments by saying “Sorry.” But many find it hard to say this. It is important to understand that if you are wrong, admitting your mistake is the right thing to do. An argument doesn’t need a winner or a loser.

When in an argument, avoid bringing up the past as it will add more hostility. It is best to remain calm and above all forgive and forget. If you have to disagree then do it devotedly. There will be many occasions when you and your partner will not see things eye to eye. Learn to accept people as they are and adjust whole-heartedly.

Learn to be persistent in showing that both of you like each other and want to better your relationship at every stage of your life. This will create harmony and balance in your lives for years together.

What Gals Want in Porn????

I read the very entertaining Don’t Try This at Home — Stuff Guys Want in Their Porn, Not Their Beds on Lemondrop today and it started me thinking about stuff gals want in their porn but not in their beds. Which sort of evolved into: what women don’t want in their porn or in their beds. Anyhoo, here’s what I came up with.

1. Ron Jeremy effect: The first and most obvious thing that women like in their porn and not in their beds is most male porn stars. Now, this is a trend that seems to be changing somewhat, courtesy of some savvy, pro-fem porn I’ve checked out recently. But in the past, I’ve tolerated my share of beefy, bronzed, waxed, supposed-mancakes only because the pickings were scary slim. Apologies to the sensitive hearts of male porn stars everywhere, but while I have endured you on-screen, I would never talk to you in a bar, let alone bring you anywhere near my bed. Eeks!

2. Massive members: Let’s be honest, the equine-sized cock found in porn satisfies a male fantasy to begin with. And we know conclusively—since historically most porn has been produced, cast, directed and filmed by men—that ya’ll love to imagine yourselves super-sized. Most ladies (that I personally have discussed size with whilst slurping martinis) have concluded that they are more than happy with a mid-range member. Most would rather a man with skills in other areas, not to mention the fact that there is a point when size becomes a hindrance and, frankly, something like a horror movie. I won’t share any particular stories lest I receive angry phone calls from S, S, J, and A; but I know you’ve been there, girls, and it hurt.

3. Backdoor: Now, as a friend of mine likes to say, “It’s not my favorite thing on the menu but I’ll order it from time to time,” I will concur at the risk of over-sharing that this can be a hot porn fantasy. HOWEVER, the proliferation of anal sex in porn does not equate (again, I speak for myself and my friends here) the secret desire of all women to be, ahem, stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey every day of the year.
Sidenote: this is a topic the huz and I discussed at length while he was working on porn sets regularly, and concluded that a) while some porn stars do seem to enjoy a good ramming, b) they are trained, pre-washed, professionals, and c) getting a serious pay bump.

4. Do you like that? : I appreciate why women need to overact in porn. We don’t have big old erections to show our enjoyment and men and women want to see that their starlets are enjoying themselves. I can appreciate some on-screen oohing, awing, screaming, cheer leading, whatnot. It is my opinion that in life this type of encouragement can seem a tad, well, forced. Yet it is my belief that some men have come to expect a constant porn star level of support (note to the guy who wanted to know how much I liked it: not that much). Personally, I prefer to save the Whitney Houston note for special occasions.

What I have concluded from all this thinking is that a lot of my experience with porn has been like standing in Blockbuster and choosing between Love Happens and The Ugly Truth—a choice between seriously shitty and really piss poor. Sometimes I like to sit back and imagine a porn world where men are actually attractive and all women don’t have frightening, fluorescent pink, glittered nails. But wait, I might not have to dream.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How Important is Sex in a Relationship?

My friend damn near had a heart attack when I told him that if I had to put a percentage on the importance of sex in my relationships, it would be around 50%. He begged me to reconsider and after much thought I’ve come up with a list of the different components that I think make up a relationship: sex communication, love, trust, honesty and the list goes on.  Although you want the companionship, love and support that a relationship offers, you also want your sexual flames to be quenched every now and then. We live in a sex driven society. Sex is the ultimate expression of love between two people; a way to communicate feelings that are difficult to express in words. While sex isn’t all there is to a great relationship, it is an important part. In my book no sex = no relationship–good sex = you can have whatever you want, however you like, whenever you want it–bad sex = blank stare, rocky relationship, having the “sex” talk quite often, or could the beginning of the end for us. Bottom line: Sex DOES matter.
In each of the three relationships that I’ve had I’ve led a healthy sex life. In my first relationship I was a sophomore in high school and my boyfriend at the time was a high school graduate. I was a curious virgin and he was experienced, ready and willing to teach me everything he knew.  He was the best I never had. He introduced me to french kissing, nipple sucking, fingering, everything. He was a phenomenal kisser, dry humper and could give a mean passion mark. Throughout the course of our relationship we made it to third base, but never home. He was the ideal boyfriend – bought gifts, great listener and was very supportive of my scholastic, nerd-ish endeavors – but I couldn’t bring myself to part ways with my virginity. Although I loved hanging out with him I liked how he made my mind and body feel even more. I liked feeling light-headed from his kisses and going home with drenched underwear. If we didn’t end our night with a panting session I chucked the deuces and angrily wished him a good night. In this instance sex didn’t matter, but sex-ish activities did.
During my senior year of high school I finally gave the goods to the first guy that I loved. It took an entire year for me to decide that he would be the “one” to break my hymen. Yeah the first time hurt like hell but, I wanted to do it again and again and again. I was hooked. Addicted. Distance and college kept us apart so sex was put on the back burner until……my college sweetheart. In the beginning of our relationship we would go at it 3 or 4 times a day. I remember buying bags of condoms from the Health Center and going through them in two to three days. I liked having steady booty and his sex drive matched mine. The sex was good. Our relationship was even better. Over the course of our four-year relationship we matured, and college kicked our asses, so sex went from once a day to eventually once a week. We always made time for sex though.
I was very fortunate to have boyfriend’s who didn’t lack skills in the bedroom department. They bought their ‘A’ game every time that we had sex. And I made sure that I bought mine. Now in my ‘single lady’ dating endeavors I have not been as lucky. I’ve had them all: the guy who could lay the pipe and make you cum repeatedly but was a complete asshole – the selfish, worthless ‘you betta get yours before I get mine’ lover – the speed demon aka two-minute man – the deceitful, chiseled body, small package guy – the guy who was boyfriend material but just couldn’t cut it because he was clueless on how to give a satisfying performance in the bedroom. Now don’t get me wrong if a guy is not fulfilling me sexually I won’t kick him to the curb – immediately. I’ll work with him a few times and try to coach and encourage him as best as I can. Is sex teachable though? Can bedroom skills be developed? I believe so. You just need a partner that can take constructive criticism, is open-minded and is willing and ready to listen and learn. Communication and honesty is key when telling a lover that they’re not pleasing you sexually. You don’t have to scold your partner for a being a terrible lover. Instead say things like – “I like when you do X, Y, and Z.” Introduce them to different positions – watch porn together and imitate the sex positions – visit a sex store together – experiment with toys. Do what you have to do to get where you need to be sexually.
Is bad sex in a relationship a deal breaker? Yes. I like to test drive my men before I make a commitment to them and if they don’t cut it during my trial and error period, I will not enter a relationship with them.  Being a connoisseur snack box eater will not suffice.  I need that sexual connection with my partner. You could be the most handsome, caring guy in the world, but if we don’t have any sexual chemistry I can’t be with you. Sex helps me unwind, de-stress and bond with my partner. I need and crave the passion,  comfort, intimacy that sex offers. I don’t think that any relationship can really survive if the sex is terrible. Good, regular sex bonds a couple together. Without it you’ll always have an emotional disconnect. You’ll be on different pages. In most relationships sexually frustrated partners will have their sexual needs met elsewhere. No matter what anyone says having a healthy sex life in a relationship is imperative. Don’t lie to yourself.
If your relationship is suffering because the sex is dreadful be prepared to listen to your partner and compromise. Brash yourself for the kinky positions and nasty fantasies that lie ahead of you. Do you think that sex is important in a relationship? Is it a deal breaker? Can you teach someone to be a better lover? Have you ever ended a relationship because the sex was awful? Have you ever told a partner that the sex was not fulfilling your needs?


Here are a few qualities you should look for in a woman if you’re interested in a long-term relationship. Whenever you hear I say “good character” in a woman, I am referring to
these qualities.
A good girlfriend should be:
1. Honest
Never date a liar! Once a liar, always a liar. A woman who has lied to you over and over will lie to you again in the future. You can count on it.
2. Loyal
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Just like a woman who has lied to you once will often lie again, a woman who has cheated once will usually cheat again.
3. Socially Skilled
Find a woman who can get along with anyone. If a woman “hates the world” or people in general, that’s usually a sign there are deeper problems within her.
4. Fun to be with
Date women with a fun personality. A boring woman will drive you crazy as soon as the initial hormone-driven honeymoon period is over.
5. Adventurous and open-minded
Find a woman you can travel and explore the world with. Narrow-minded women usually have limited foresight and get boring after a while.
6. Cultured, classy and sophisticated
Cultured women often make a better companion if you live in a big city.
7. Frugal
Beware of big spenders and gold-diggers. They will drain your bank account empty and then leave without looking back.
8. “Clean”
Your girlfriend should be currently clean of any drug or alcohol problems.
9. Flexible
Try to find someone who’s willing to compromise. A spoiled princess will drive you nuts eventually.
10. A positive thinker
This one is very important. Pessimistic people will drain all your energy out of you.

Just Friends?

You’re always there, you’re nice, you’re the shoulder to cry on, you get along just fine, why won’t she date you? You’re the “male best friend”… Sorry, but you’re stuck in the friend zone! Slap yourself and listen to the words as you read the following paragraph.

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you’re a great guy, but I don’t like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we’re not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we’re going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn’t work out, we’ll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

If you want to be more than just friends… Have a little edge and don’t be so nice. Woman want a man not a pushover! Don’t be so readily available, this shows desperation! Stop being the runner-up and be a WINNER!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Gold Digger

Let me tell you something about “The Gold Digger”. This animal want us to believe that they are the victims; That we break their hearts like it’s a game. That’s bullshit!!!

They say they want romance, they say they want true love, but all they want is a check list. They want a check list of all the guys they see on the television. Is he perfect? Is he handsome? Is he wealthy?

For you dumb asses who fit the criteria, don’t kid yourselves. They are not sleeping with you! They are sleeping with a carefully calculated scheme. Money over substance, looks over soul, polished over principles.

No gesture, no matter how real or romantic will ever compensate for a really impressive list of credentials.

Don’t Lie To Yourself

Is your “type” the type who’s emotionally unavailable? Do you find her scally ways irresistible? Is it hard for you to deny a girl with a scally lifestyle? If you find yourself repeatedly attracted to a Ms. Right who’s all wrong for you, it could be more than just bad luck.
Maybe you’re dating the wrong girls so you can avoid making a commitment. Perhaps you’re picking poorly so you have an excuse to break up with her before she can break up with you. Or could it be that you enjoy the drama or attention that comes from perpetual heartbreak?
Whatever your reason, you’ve gotten into a pattern. Now that you’ve admitted it, you have to decide if you want to continue keeping true love at arm’s length, or if you want to embrace your issues and start having fun with them.

Step 1: Open your eyes
Start changing your patterns by being honest with yourself about what really motivates you. “Be explicit about what you really need”! For instance, think about why you’re dating: Is it for fun, to have a diversion or are you looking for a long-term relationship? Do you love the thrill of the hunt, or do you prefer being hunted? Do you ignore red flags because you want to keep the relationship going? Being clear on these points is crucial.
If you’re looking for love but you date women who are just in it for fun, you’ve got a problem. If you like being pursued but make the first move to help it along, you may end up attracting someone who prefers to be pursued, too.
And if you try to keep relationships going when they’d be better off ending, you’re wasting your time. A relationship’s not worth saving if it drives you nuts or pushes your buttons!
Don’t be addicted to “hurt“!

Step #2: Look in the mirror
Next, the key to learning from your past is to review what worked and what didn’t in your relationships. Don’t beat yourself up about it, though. Instead, be glad you’ve got things figured out and then get busy changing your negative behaviors.
Undertaking this kind of self-improvement can be tough to do alone. Friends and family might be able to assist you.
I had a buddy system with my friend Al, I gave him permission to call me out when I was falling back into my weak behaviors. It really helped having someone calling me on it.
Every “Maverick” needs a Goose!

Step #3: Love yourself
Maybe the ultimate habit-breaker is learning to like yourself exactly as you are. So often, we’re focused on having the other person like us, so we put on a façade that keeps us from being ourselves. Instead, try being realistic. Don’t be afraid to say, ‘This is who I am — take it or leave it.’”
If they leave, that scally probably had lame sex anyways!

China will not compromise over the Spratley islands.

What makes the islands valuable is the vast energy deposits lying around the islands.
China would like those energy deposits but the Spratley islands are also important to it strategically. The Spratleys make for an excellent forward base for their ambition.
I once read a fascinating book that analyzed why mankind fights. Through all of mankind’s histories, we have fought each other. What were the fights about? Land, passion, ambitions?
All of the above, but the majority of wars, from the most ancient to today, were armed struggles to own or control limited resources. Man has always tried to out-compete his fellow man for finite resources. He who wins gets more area in land or sea–and the more the area the bigger the population.
China’s intention is simple to figure out. They want to own the South China Sea.

It’s ours, say the Chinese. It’s plain to see that the maritime border that China wants to enforce extends almost to everybody else’s coastline.
Filipino fishermen use the word laot <la-ot> to refer to the deepest part of their fishing range. If Filipinos were to believe the crap coming from the Chinese, then our fishermen–who already have small fishing ranges–will be prevented from ever increasing their ranges.
This is a struggle over a limited resource. China has decided that as part of its transformation into a superpower, it shall claim to all of it. It’s the right time. They’ve done their feng shui.
      The Philippines is not involved in the Paracels dispute. The Philippines is locked in dispute with China over the Spratleys, not the Paracels. In the Paracels, China’s bumping heads with the Vietnamese. China is fighting  five other nations for possession of the sea.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Say Yes To RH Bill

I, as a student, call for the immediate passage of House Bill 5043 on “Reproductive Health and Population Development” (hereafter RH Bill) in Congress. After examining it in the light of Philippine social realities, and informed by our Christian faith, I have reached the conclusion that our country urgently needs a comprehensive and integrated policy on reproductive health and population development, as provided by the RH Bill. I also believe that the provisions of the bill adhere to core principles of Catholic social teaching: the sanctity of human life, the dignity of the human person, the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, integral human development, human rights, and the primacy of conscience.

Catholic social theology since Vatican II has evolved, on the one hand, from the emphasis on order, social cohesiveness, the acceptance of some inequality, and obedience to authority to the recognition, on the other, of the centrality of the human person, and the concomitant need for human freedom, equality, and participation (Pacem in Terris 1963, Octogesima Adveniens 1971). In the same way that Vatican II was a council for aggiornamento (renewal) for the universal Church, so too did the 1991 Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP-II) aim at the renewal of the Church in the Philippines. After a month of
collectively studying and praying to discern the “signs of the times,” PCP-II declared: “As we approach the year 2000, Christ bids this community ourselves, the laity, religious and clergy of the Catholic Church in the Philippines to be a Church of the Poor” (PCP-II Acts, no. 96).

As Catholics and Filipinos, we share the hope and mission of building a Church of the Poor. We are thus deeply disturbed and saddened by calls made by some members of the Catholic Church to reject a proposed legislation that promises to improve the wellbeing of Filipino families, especially the lives of women, children, adolescents, and the poor. Being a “Church of the Poor” urges us to be with and listen to the poor, so that their “joys and hopes...griefs and anxieties” become ours as well (Gaudium et Spes 1965, no. 1). We therefore ask those who denounce the RH Bill as “pro-abortion,” “anti-life,” “anti-women,” “anti-poor,” and “immoral” to consider the economic and social conditions of our people, as borne out by empirical evidence, and to recognize that the bill is, in fact, “pro-life,” “pro-women,” and “pro-poor.”

The Realities of Women and Their Children

No woman should die giving life. Yet, in the Philippines, 10 women die every 24 hours from almost entirely preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth (POPCOM 2000). Our maternal mortality rate continues to be staggeringly high, at 162 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births (National Statistics Office (NSO), 2006 Family Planning Survey (FPS)). More lives would certainly be saved if all women had access to good prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care.

The reality, however, is that 3 out of 10 Filipino women do not have the recommended number of prenatal care visits (at least 4); and 6 out of 10 women still deliver at home, where they rarely have access to a skilled birth attendant, or to quality obstetric services in case complications arise (NSO and ORC Macro 2004, 2003 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)). Moreover, because a woman’s life and wellbeing are inextricably linked to that of her child’s, it is not surprising that the country’s infant mortality and under-five mortality ratios remain also worrisome: for every 1,000 live births, 24 children die before they reach the age of one, and 32 children die before they reach the age of five (NSO, 2006 FPS).

Aside from poor maternal care, our alarming maternal mortality rate also stems from the high incidence of induced abortions. The silence on this topic shrouds the tragedy of many Filipino women who have resorted to it in desperation. An estimated 473,400 women had induced abortions in 2000, translating to an abortion rate of 27 abortions per 1,000 women aged 14-44, and an abortion ratio of 18 abortions per 100 pregnancies (Juarez, Cabigon, Singh and Hussain 2005). Abortion not only terminates the life of an unborn child but also imperils the life of the mother, especially if performed in unsafe clandestine clinics by untrained personnel, or induced by the woman herself, as is the case of poor women who cannot afford a surgical abortion, or the services of a traditional practitioner (hilot). Of the nearly half a million women who had abortions in 2000, 79,000, or 17 percent, wound up in hospitals as a result of abortion complications (ibid.). Induced abortions accounted for 12 percent of all maternal deaths in the Philippines in 1994 (ibid.), and is the fourth leading cause of maternal deaths.

Studies show that the majority of women who go for an abortion are married or in a consensual union (91%), the mother of three or more children (57%), and poor (68%) (Juarez, Cabigon, and Singh 2005). For these women, terminating a pregnancy is an anguished choice they make in the face of severe contraints. When women who had attempted an abortion were asked their reasons for doing so, their top three responses were: they could not afford the economic cost of raising another child (72%); their pregnancy occurred too soon after the last one (57%); and they already have enough children (54%). One in ten women (13%) who had attempted an abortion revealed that this was because her pregnancy resulted from forced sex (ibid.). Thus, for these women, abortion has become a family planning method, in the absence of information on and access to any reliable means to prevent an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. The fact is, our women are having more children than they desire, as seen in the gap between desired fertility (2.5 children) and actual fertility (3.5 children), implying a significant unmet need for reproductive health services (NSO and ORC Macro 2004, 2003 NDHS)

The importance of family planning to the lives of women and their children cannot be emphasized enough. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA n.d.) asserts that women’s access to effective contraception would avert 30 percent of maternal deaths, 90 percent of abortion-related deaths and disabilities, and 20 percent of child deaths. In the Philippines, however, women sorely lack adequate access to integrated reproductive health services. This stems mainly from an inconsistent national population policy which has always been dependent on the incumbent leader. For example, studies have pointed out that former President Fidel V. Ramos and then Health Secretary Juan Flavier showed strong support for family planning initiatives. In contrast, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo appears to have an incoherent national population policy, because while she recognizes the need to reduce the country’s population growth rate, on the one hand, she relegates the responsibility of crafting, funding, and implementing population and reproductive health programs to local government units (LGUs), on the other. Thus, we are witness to uneven reproductive health and family planning policies and programs across LGUs: Whereas Aurora and the Mountain province, and Davao, Marikina, and Quezon Cities have put in place commendable RH policies and programs, a metropolitan city like Manila teeming with informal settlers had banned modern artificial methods of family planning under the administration of Mayor Joselito Atienza.

From the foregoing, it is easy to understand why the contraceptive prevalence rate of the Philippines is only 50.6 percent (NSO, 2006 FPS). This means that only a little over half of married women use any family planning (FP) method, whether traditional FP (14.8%), modern natural or NFP (0.2%), or modern artificial FP (35.6%). And yet an overwhelming majority of Filipinos (92%) believe that it is important to manage fertility and plan their family, and most (89%) say that the government should provide budgetary support for modern artificial methods of family planning, including the pill, intra-uterine devices (IUDs), condoms, ligation, and vasectomy (Pulse Asia, 2007 Ulat ng Bayan survey on family planning). In another survey, the majority (55%) of respondents said that they are willing to pay for the family planning method of their choice (Social Weather Stations, 2004 survey on family planning).

The evidence is clear: Our women lack reproductive health care, including information on and access to family planning methods of their choice. Births that are too frequent and spaced too closely take a delibitating toll on their health, so that many of them die during pregnancy or at childbirth. Some of them, despairing over yet another pregnancy, seek an abortion, from which they also die and along with them, their unborn child too. The sanctity of human life and the dignity of the human person The Catholic Church proclaims that every human person is created in the image and likeness of God, as well as redeemed by Christ. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity is sacred and must be respected. “Every violation of the personal dignity of the human being cries out in vengeance to God and is an offense against the creator of the individual,” according to Christifideles Laici (1988, no. 37). Indeed, we should measure every institution by whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person whether that individual is a woman agonizing over her ninth pregnancy, or an unborn child in a mother’s womb.

The RH Bill as pro-life and pro-women

We support the RH Bill because it protects life and promotes the wellbeing of families, especially of women and their children. Contrary to what its detractors say, the RH Bill is not “pro-abortion,” “anti-life,” or “anti-women.” With “respect for life” as one of its guiding principles (sec. 2), the bill unequivocally states that it does not seek to “change the law on abortion, as abortion remains a crime and is punishable” (sec. 3.m). It can be argued, in fact, that in guaranteeing information on and access to “medically-safe, legal, affordable and quality” natural and modern family planning methods (sec. 2), the bill seeks “to prevent unwanted, unplanned and mistimed pregnancies” (sec. 5.k) the main cause of induced abortions.

The RH Bill is also pro-life and pro-women because it aims to reduce our maternal mortality rate, currently so high (at 162 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) that the government has admitted that it is unlikely to meet the Millennium Development Goal target of bringing it down by three-fourths (to 52 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) by 2015 (NEDA and UNCT 2007). For example, section 6 of the bill enjoins every city and municipality to endeavor “to employ adequate number of midwives or other skilled attendants to achieve a minimum ratio of one (1) for every one hundred fifty (150) deliveries per year.” Section 7 instructs each province and city to seek to establish, for every 500,000 population, “at least one (1) hospital for comprehensive emergency obstetric care and four (4) hospitals for basic emergency obstetric care.” Section 8 mandates “all LGUs, national and local government hospitals, and other public health units [to] conduct maternal death review.”

Moreover, the RH Bill’s definition of “reproductive health care” goes beyond the provision of natural and modern family planning information and services, to include a wide array of other services (sec. 4.g). These include: maternal, infant, and child health and nutrition; promotion of breastfeeding; prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications; adolescent and youth health; sexual and reproductive health education for couples and the youth; prevention and management of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmittable infections (STIs); treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers and other gynecological conditions; fertility interventions; elimination of violence against women; and male involvement and participation in reproductive health. We therefore ask, How then can the RH Bill be violative of human life and dignity?

To reiterate, because reproductive health is central to women’s overall health, fundamental aspects of women’s wellbeing are compromised when reproductive health is ignored. The conditions under which choices are made are as important as the actual content of women’s choices: the right to choose is meaningful only if women have real power to choose.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It kills its own kind.

 My hamster named Hannibal is a wonderful pet indeed, three months ago when I bought him on a pet store near our place, he was so cuddly and soft and enjoyable to play with, until my mother bought a female that satisfied my hamsters lust. He change because of that female "rat" that my mother bought he has no time to play and have experiments with me any more, then one day the female one give birth to 10 little naked baby hamster that was so young and innocent souls to have me tools with. On the next day when my mother went to work I tried to stop my self but the pressure was so strong that I want to dissect some little white mice that I've bought, so I went to see Hannibal and make him my assistant again for he always cleans up the mess after I'm done in other words he eats up the left over of the mice I peeled and experimented. Then I was shucked when the female hamster was dead maybe caused of severe bleeding doe by his own child's that bite its chest for milk, so Hannibal joined in and ate little miss sunshine "rat". Oh I love to watch that scene but my father wants to get rid of the body right away so our maids buried little miss gloomy away. Poor little young once was eaten by their cannibal father screaming for help but nothing I can do but to only watch them killed one by one by theirs truly, still cannibalism has prevailed in the animal kingdom. And now you know that hamster eats their own kind. Like sharks when they are still unborn in their mothers stomach they eat their own siblings just to survive the hunger they feel and yet as we know cannibalism is still found in their blood as sharks. As my hamster became cannibal to its own kind it still looks cute and cuddly as it looks to be, as they say don't judge the book by its cover but whats inside.